We were just going home from practice when they spun the block. I always wanted the brightest lights on me, but on the basketball court, not on the ave past 9 o’clock. They told us don’t worry, it would just take a minute, but that all changed when I fit what they were looking for. Lightskin, Nappy hair afro is what I had. In 2016, that’s pretty much what all the boys had.
They had me against the wall like a poster, left arm on my back while his right hand was on the holster. My temper and pride almost kicked in. I could’ve won the battle, but ultimately lost the war. Beating one guy is easy but how about four more? Plus they were cops, they were trained for that stuff. I wasn’t about to be on socials getting snuffed.
In the car, they tried to make me confess to a crime I didn’t commit. I sat tall in that seat, my tone got out of line I could admit. When he pulled out the gun I was terrified. The only time I saw a gun was on Call of Duty online. That made me relax and lower my tone because I never had a shiver like that in my bones.
When we got to the station, they tried to crack jokes. Just because my passcode is long doesn’t mean I sell coke. Apparently being a black kid with some type of money means you sell drugs. I always hated that stigma so I strived for more. It’s hard to break out of that shell when rappers make it so that’s all we know.
I’m thankful my parents had the money for a lawyer because I didn’t wanna be forced into a deal when I didn’t deserve a conviction. Unfortunately, a lot of kids like me are put in that position. Later we found out the crime never even took place and a mixture of emotions kicked in. I was happy I was free but there were a lot of things I had to face. I was in a car cuffed wrist tight with a gun in my face. And that was for no reason, I was only 12 years old thinking about my freshman basketball season. And on a bigger scale, I almost didn’t make it home...
This experience gave me a new perspective and worldview. Now I see why the hood hates those people in blue. Not saying that I hate 12 cuz I know there’s some good apples in the bunch, I just wish those guys were there when this guy decided to follow a tiny hunch.
