Mom. Always first to the slaughter, but always the first to say I love you- go fuck yourself! How was school? Don’t be a jackass. Jesus is Lord and Saviour, remember that. You have the tongue of a snake. He’s not the man that I married. Did I ever tell you about when I used to work as a buyer... for Van Husen... in the city? Did you finish eating? You have to finish eating! You look hungry. You look like you’re gaining weight; I can see it in your face. I want to still be living on the Amalfi Coast. I’m unhappy. What did you want for dinner? I’ll make fish. I’ll make lamb. I’ll make steak. Don’t sit on my white, leather sofa with that steak! Do you want a salad? Tea? Oh, I forgot to make the tea! Let’s turn something on. I can’t believe it’s 4am. Sleep in my room. Get the fuck out of this house! Walk with the King and be a blessing.
Dad. He’d push her under to keep himself from drowning just so he could say you don’t know how much I love you. You’re so arrogant. I don’t believe that you have friends. Remember that Jesus is Lord and Saviour. Get out of the car, now! You think you can talk to me like that? You think you’re too old for me to hit you? You think you’re smarter than me? You think sleeping all day is going to help you get better, because it’s not. We’re going to see a movie tonight. The one thing I want to do is go to the movie theatre with you. Do you want to go fishing? The rain doesn’t bother the fish, so nobody’s leaving until everyone catches something. My mother would always say, “Walk with the King and be a blessing.” Don’t copy my mother, you don’t know her. Get your own job! What does your mother tell you about me? I want a relationship with you. If you don’t get out of this house right now, you’ll find all of your stuff on the road. With God on my side, who could be against me.
