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Dear Brown Skin Girl

Imaya Brown

You’re a girl.

You like doing fun things.

Watching TV, playing with your dolls, and doing your makeup are among some of your favorites.

You like hanging with friends, talking about boys, and playing hide-and-seek.

You like watching music videos, runway shows, and movies.

And yet, it doesn’t quite work out that way.

Does it?

You’re a brown skin girl.

You like doing fun things.

Your TV reads “blondes have more fun,” and every doll you’ve ever had: a reminder.

Your makeup leaves a white cast, but that’s okay because the darkest shade matches the palm of your hand.

In the review section of a skin bleaching cream on amazon is “This saved my life!”

A boy at school comes up to you and says he likes you.

5 minutes go by, he says “it was a dare.”

Anytime the lights go off it’s “where did she go?” so when they play hide-and-seek, you sit out.

Your mom tells you’re beautiful every night before going to bed,

But your favorite rapper says “...beautiful black woman, I bet that girl look better red.” You hardly ever see girls who look like you on the big screen, but that’s okay because when you do you see them they’ll at least be the best friend

Of a girl who is uplifted by boys who look like you.

Their mothers, sisters, and grandmothers look like you,

But they disrespect you and call it “preference.”

They'll say “you alright, but you ain’t bright.”

Then call you insecure for wanting more,

So there is no use in putting up a fight.

Because no matter how you hard you try,

They'll still call them day, and you night.

You’re a brown skin girl.

But that doesn't matter.


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All images used are either free digital images from Wix, Canva, and Unsplash, or were created specifically by student authors to accompany their own text
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