I stare at blue and white AP scantron
The Racial/ Ethnic group section
Mark all that apply
My origin was well known
I am Hispanic/ Latino
But choosing a race
Felt like walking on a tightrope
I didn’t fit into any category
I am not white
I am not black
I didn’t fit in their stereotypical description or their origin
I wasn’t from Germany, Ireland, or Italy
I wasn’t from Africa , Jamaica, Nigeria
I am from the smallest country
In Central America
A surfer’s paradise to delicious pupusas
The light blue water of Coatepeque to the ancient ruins of El Tazumal
Being categorized meant being
Swept under the carpet
Undervalued, and marginalized
I let labels and categorization
Have more meaning than
My roots and my culture.
I stare at blue and white AP scantron
The Racial/ Ethnic group section
I didn’t mark anything
