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We All Know Dora


We all know Dora

The girl who walks across your TV speaking Spanish

Making sure you understand her while going on adventures along the way

We all know Dora

The girl who introduces you to her best friends and makes you feel included

Even through a screen, she made sure you understood what they were talking about

We all know Dora

The girl you clicked on to watch go on magical journeys and adventures

Using her language to bring your world and hers together

I knew Dora

I watched her every morning before school and every afternoon and evening

She was my life, she was the only girl my age to understand me

I was Dora

Countless Halloweens went by and I still dressed up as her

I wanted to cut my hair to her length, but my mother told me that Dora wished she had my length

I was Dora

I was deemed the translator between the world and my mother

While barely knowing English myself

Growing up just her and me, I had to understand English like Dora

So that my mom and I could get by

I had Dora

Dora knew English better than me

While everyone watched her to learn Spanish for fun

I had to use her as my gateway to understanding the language of my peers

The language of my school

The language of my area

But it was not the language of my home

It was not the language of my life

Dora was not me

She lived a life of adventures

Going outside with her friends

Having a nice stable family relationship

While I stayed home helping my mother apply for jobs

Translating whatever legal documents sent for her

And receiving backlash from her when I did not understand a word, while

balancing school assignments I did not understand

And trying to have a social life that did not include my one and only cousin my age

I was not Dora

She had short hair and animals for friends

My hair was long and I barely had any friends

Everyone understood her and she was social

I could never get anyone to listen to me and barely spoke out

I did not have Dora

We lost cable one day

Bills came and cuts were made

My mom told me it was temporary

But I never saw Dora again

I knew Dora

She kept my childhood grounded

She was there when things were rough

As childish as it sounds now from an 18-year-old girl who knows English and is in a

better state than she once was

Dora was my first-ever best friend

Do I miss Dora?

I mean, I learned and grew with and away from her

She taught me things, as childish and funny as it sounds

But it was all about perspective

And understanding one another’s viewpoints

I don’t miss Dora

She taught me everything already

I may have resented her at some points

But she was always there

Maybe I did and did not have Dora

Maybe I needed and didn't need her

Maybe I wanted and didn't want her

But I have myself

Myself today without Dora

Did you know Dora?



All images used are either free digital images from Wix, Canva, and Unsplash, or were created specifically by student authors to accompany their own text
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