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FALL 2023
Isabella Moore
3 min read
Spoken Word
Black Poofy Curls
Maggie and I were sisters, two black peas in a pod — but we weren’t the same peas. She had her thick 4b-c coils that could be stretched...
Journee Cunningham
8 min read
Personal Narratives
Articulation of the Soul
A cacophony of spiraling rhythms, oozing one out of another and into the next: language. It is a place that is nowhere, splitting...
2 min read
We All Know Dora
We all know Dora The girl who walks across your TV speaking Spanish Making sure you understand her while going on adventures along the...
Ariella Gelbert
2 min read
Why do people have to ruin good things by shoveling their own expectations down other people’s throats? For some reason, some people...
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