Inspired by Sharon Olds
I fell in love with your possessor
I noticed you, his integument
If you had emotions I know you’d cry
Over the fact that predetermined factors
Caused people to be microaggressive towards you
He used to be insecure about you
Society made him wish that you were less pigmented
You protected him
You hugged his soul and made him realize it wasn’t your fault
You wrapped yourself around him
showed him the other souls
The souls you’ve hosted before him
Westernization was infuriated that they couldn’t colonize you
You never changed
Because of you, he was marginalized
Because of you he felt anything but handsome
Because of you he resented you and wanted 3A type hair
Because of them he was marginalized
Because of them he felt anything but handsome
Because of them he resented you and wanted 3A type hair
Why can’t they see you the way that I do?
Why did he have to suffer?
Why did they fabricate such hurtful indoctrination?
Why were you blamed?
It was never your fault
He sees that now
He sees you for you
You show your gratitude by trying to breach your top layer to talk to him
He isn’t very fond of that method
But he sees you now
He has persevered
He is my boyfriend
You are his integument
They are the ignorant
